Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Kurikulum Lipstik

Kurikulum Lipstik
Rabu, 17 Desember 2008 | 03:00 WIB

Doni Koesoema A

Pembentukan karakter merupakan bagian penting kinerja pendidikan. Namun, kecenderungan untuk menciptakan praksis on the spot yang dipaksakan hanya akan melahirkan sikap reaktif. Kurikulum lipstik lantas menjadi tren. Siswa menjadi obyek bagi ajang pelatihan. Akibatnya, pendidikan terjerembab pada kedangkalan.

Sekolah menjadi reaktif saat terburu- buru ingin menanggapi tantangan zaman. Seolah sekolah adalah obat bagi masalah itu. Saat korupsi merajalela di masyarakat, pendidik sibuk mengembangkan pendidikan antikorupsi di sekolah. Ada yang mempromosikan sekolah antikorupsi, program kantin kejujuran, dan lainnya (Kompas, 5/12/2008). Juga ada yang mengusulkan masuknya mata pelajaran khusus, Pendidikan Antikorupsi untuk menggantikan PPKn dan Agama yang dianggap gagal menjalankan misinya.

Selain itu, tuntutan akuntabilitas pendidikan akibat tantangan standardisasi telah membuat para pendidik lari pontang- panting mengikuti berbagai macam program kilat pengembangan diri, mulai dari seminar cara mengajar efektif dan kreatif, pola pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, efektif, dan menyenangkan (PAKEM), diklat positive thinking, mengikuti lokakarya, dan berbagai macam pelatihan bertajuk pendidikan. Pola kian menjadi-jadi saat model portofolio sertifikasi mensyaratkan adanya berbagai macam sertifikat untuk memperoleh poin. Lembaga seminar menjamur, panitia untung, guru untung, tetapi murid buntung.

Sikap reaktif inilah yang belakangan terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan kita. Seperti lipstik hanya menjadi tampilan luar dan akan hilang dalam sekejap, reformasi pendidikan juga tidak akan bertahan lama jika pendidik sibuk mengurusi hal-hal yang bukan menjadi tugas utamanya, apalagi jika menjadikan siswa sekadar obyek pelatihan. Gejala ini saya sebut dengan kurikulum lipstik.


Oleh Fulan (1993), gejala ini disebut restrukturisasi, yaitu sekadar proses pembaruan guru di tingkat pinggiran, berupa peningkatan keterampilan teknis pengajaran, tetapi tidak disertai perubahan cara pandang. Selain itu, gelojoh mengikuti tren berbagai macam gerakan, dengan berbagai macam label anti (korupsi, kekerasan, narkoba, pornografi, dan lainnya) yang dipaksakan di sekolah hanya akan mengorbankan siswa untuk keinginan politik kelompok tertentu.

Memang, sekolah harus melawan korupsi, menentang kekerasan, menawarkan cara hidup sehat, dan mendidik siswa cara menghormati tubuh sesama sebagai makhluk mulia dan berharga karena sama- sama ciptaan Tuhan. Namun, gagal melawan kesabaran disertai nafsu reaktif bisa menjadikan guru sebagai pahlawan kesiangan yang tidak pernah menyadari bahwa menekuni pekerjaan rutin harian di kelas itulah tugas utamanya. Pembentukan karakter itu terjadi melalui dinamika pengajaran di kelas, bukan melalui seminar, sosialisasi, atau pelatihan dadakan.

Diskursus tentang pembentukan karakter yang dipahami secara parsial bisa menjadi sarana pelarian (eskapisme) guru dari tanggung jawab mereka untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademis siswa dengan cara memberi penekanan berlebihan pada unsur-unsur non-akademis.

Padahal, keunggulan akademis adalah bagian dari pembentukan karakter itu sendiri. Tugas utama guru adalah mengembangkan ekselensi akademis dalam diri siswa. Mutu pendidikan kita kian menurun karena visi keunggulan akademis ini diabaikan. Akibatnya, pembentukan karakter siswa juga terpinggirkan.

Agar pembentukan karakter terjadi integral, guru perlu memahami kembali visi pengajarannya dan percaya bahwa mengembangkan keunggulan akademis adalah tugas utamanya sebagai pendidik. Siswa yang memiliki ekselensi akademis mengandaikan keterbukaan, kemampuan bertanya, berdiskusi, menganalisis masalah, dan mampu mendialogkan ilmu pengetahuan dengan orang lain. Dialog seperti ini terjadi jika masing-masing memiliki keyakinan nilai tentang kebenaran pengetahuan dan maknanya bagi kemaslahatan hidup bersama. Jika ini terjadi, secara tidak langsung karakter anak didik yang terbuka, kritis, dan mau berdialog akan berkembang. Siswa menjadi individu dengan karakter kuat.


Di tengah maraknya ”kurikulum lipstik” itu, yang sebenarnya diperlukan adalah rekulturasi, yaitu proses pengembangan diri guru untuk kembali memahami hakikat kinerjanya sebagai pendidik yang hidup dalam keterbatasan ruang, waktu, dan bekerja melalui struktur sekolah yang sering malah membatasi fungsi utamanya sebagai pendidik. Restrukturisasi tidak dengan sendirinya meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran (Elmore, 1992). Seminar-seminar tidak otomatis mengubah paradigma mengajar guru, bahkan bisa jadi malah memperkuat konservatisme (Lortie, 1975).

Pembaruan dangkal tetapi ingar-bingar memang lebih seksi dan menarik hati. Namun, pembentukan nilai dan peningkatan kualitas akademis sebenarnya kinerja bersama yang tidak bisa diatasi sekadar dengan menimba ilmu dari orang- orang luar atau dari pembicara publik yang sama sekali tidak mengerti proses belajar- mengajar di kelas. Yang mengenal siswa di kelas adalah guru. Yang paling mengerti apa yang dibutuhkan siswa agar maju dalam menimba ilmu adalah guru.

Rekulturasi mengandaikan guru mampu membangun komunitas belajar profesional dalam lingkungan sekolah. Penumbuhan komunitas belajar profesional hanya bisa muncul saat guru bekerja sama, saling berbagi informasi dan mengevaluasi pekerjaan satu sama lain dengan mengambil kasus-kasus nyata dalam kelas. Meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran membutuhkan ketekunan, terutama berani menilai diri bagaimana guru mengajar di kelas. Inilah pekerjaan on the spot guru.

Pekerjaan seperti ini jauh dari ingar- bingar dan meriahnya seminar di hotel. Juga tidak ada sertifikat atau plakat sebab guru langsung masuk ke jantung pekerjaan utama. Kurikulum lipstik akan lewat, tetapi guru berdedikasi akan berdiri kuat. Mati raga sambil terus mau mengubah diri, bahkan mau belajar dari rekan guru dan siswa agar siswa menggapai keunggulan akademis, inilah yang membuat guru benar-benar menjadi guru.

Doni Koesoema A Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Boston College Lynch School of Education, Boston

Diambil dari:http://cetak.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/12/17/00473925/kurikulum.lipstik

Senin, 08 Desember 2008

The Application of Problem Based Learning in Mathematics Learning

By: Wahyudi

A. Background

Mathematics is a base science that is used as an equipment to learn other sciences. Therefore, mastering toward mathematics is absolutely required.and the concepts have to be comprehended correctly and early. They are due to the mathematic concepts are a causality network. Where a concept is compiled based on a previous concepts, and will be a further base concept. Thereby the understanding of incorrect concept will cause at the fault in understanding of further concepts ( Antonius Cahya Prihandoko, 2006).
Mathematics studies an abstract structure and a guide relation in it. It means that mathematics learning intrinsically is a learning concept, structure concept and looks for the relationship between them (the concepts and structure). The characteristic of an axiomatic deductive mathematics must be known by teacher so that they can learn mathematics correctly, from the simple concepts to complex concepts.
Based on reality above, hence the correct mathematic learning is required in inculcating mathematics concepts in Elementary school. Where the purpose of mathematics learning in base education is to prepare the student in order to get ready to face the changes situation in life and in a world which always grow up through an action based on an logical, rational, stall, careful, honest, efficient, and effective thinking ( Puskur, 2002). Despitefully, the student is expected to be able to apply mathematics and mathematics thinking in daily life to learn a various sciences which emphasis at the settlement of natural existence and student behaviour foming and skill in applying mathematics .
According To Brissenden (1980:7) the Iesson of mathematics at student is followed by arrangement of activity by teacher and each study activity contains two fundamental characteristics. Firstly, explains which gambling, management type this teacher applies activity of accross the board class, either individually and also group of learning. Second, activity by compiling expansion rule of study stages;steps metematika. This thing can be done by depicting some topics in study. Initial step done by teacher is attention at expansion effort of mathematics with formation of concept and outline from the subject.
Relation between procedural and conceptual of vital importance. Conceptual knowledge referred to concept understanding, while procedural knowledge referred to skill to do an algorithm or procedure finalizes the problem of mathematicses. According To Sutawijaya ( 1997:177), comprehends just concept insufficient, because in practice everyday life of student requires mathematics skill.

One of way which can be done to execute the study is done by using study method appropriate. One of study method which can be applied is study with Problem Based Learning. Applying of method problem based learning is not only increases result of learning but also supplies educative participant empirically learning finalizes problem according to Iesson matter self-supportingly. Reason of using of Problem Based Learning is as follows:
1) To draw near the students at study of mathematics with development of situation of real world.
2) Can assist the students to develop idea and skilled thought in stall to obtain life efficiency ( life skill).
3) Places student as subject and study object.
Problem based learning designed to develop:
1. Ability integrates ( federating) knowledge owned, then bases special knowledge context
2. Ability takes decision at the same time develops critical position and idea
3. Self-supporting ability to learn and heartens to learn along the life
4. Efficiency interpersonal, kolaborasi, and communications
5. construction of His own cognate structure and skillful evaluates
6. Behavior and ethics which professional

B. The Application of Problem Based Learning
Common characteristic is from Problem Based Learning namely problem as a beginning of study. The planning problem that is as an issue comes from the dilemmatic problem of the environment that is used to attract the learners’ enthusiasm. Problem must be adapted for base interest, matter, and learning result which wish to be reached.
According To Duch ( CUTSD 1997: 2) good problems can succeed study. Good problems planning is:
1) Some facts happened in real world in tidy in the form of problem map which can draw student enthusiasm.
2) Chooses one of fact which many studied by mass media to become the root of the matter at discussion a study.
3) Can motivate the students in compiling strong argument based on some information and also reference which they obtain.
4) Can peep out position is each other cooperation between students to study and also finalizes the problem.
5) Initial question presented at problem can become guide of all students to take role in discussion. This question must: ( a) haves the character of open to various knowledge areas and also comments; ( b) can be attributed to basic knowledges before all and also all valueses various aspects as a form of contribution of expansion of problem or solution; ( c) focused on issues which can invite debate or unresolved completely.
6) Can motivate the students to involve in analytical and critical thinking process.
7) Every specific units from expansion of the root of the matter must can be reunited to become form of understanding a study matter.
Educative participant before all has owned knowledge base, efficiency, trust, and concepts. When educative participant given on to problems of reality which dilematis hence they will pay attention to, organizes, interpretation, and gets information and also new knowledge. Applying of problem based learning in education assists pembelajar to connect things does they know, they need to reachs level of better idea ( better thinking).

( Teacher & Educational Development, University of New Mexico School of Medicine ( 2002: 3-4).
Beginning of applying activity of problem based learning namely makes preparation of problem based learning in mathematics study. According To Wood ( 1995: 5-120) preparation of problem based learning is:
1. Determines topic or study direct material.
2. Determines problems issues is real world [by]
3. Compiles desire list of educative participant to learn comfortably
4. Presentation design of problem to be able to guide educative participant
5. Determines allocation of time and study meeting schedule
6. Organizes group of learning
7. Learning resource design
8. Balmy learning area design to develop " Process Skill" educative participant.
9. Assessment format design of process and result of learning
Applying of problem based learning ( get started) started with:
1. Recognition of problem based learning at instructor
2. Specifies applying rule of the game of problem based learning. This research applies interaction type between groups ( group interaction). educative Tutor and participant cooperated develops study.
3. Specifies hope or purpose of applying of problem based learning to increase ability thinks is logical and positive position of student to mathematics.
After problem presented at educative participant, hence study takes place in process of tutorial. Teacher stands as tutor. One problems in debate by some groups. Tutor called as also instructor, moderator, fasilitator, or leader. Tutor comes from educator. Tutor responsible assists group of identifying performance mistake, digressing opinion, motivates member of group of communicating, and is each other evaluates result of job(activity step by step. Tutor prepares balmy space to process study ( Harsono, 2004: 26-29).

The role of tutor in process of problem based learning is:
1. Process controller
a. Acted as doorman and time custodian.
b. As officer without dropping sanction to educative participant.
c. Interference if there is conflict among educative participant.
d. Pushs the happening of balmy situation that to execute of group dynamics.
2. Observer behavior of group
a. Pushs the happening of interaction of group, bravery, and approval.
b. Pushs educative participant to develop individual quality.
c. Assists educative participant to involve ability and realizes their weakness.
d. Pushs educative participant as change agent in group
e. Acts as role model.
3. Problem billows
a. Pushs the happening of active participation, concentration of attention, and discussion is more life.
b. Reexamines all result of discussion, returns question of educative participant to be replied x'self by them, gives comment and suggestion, and stimulates to think for example trying to develop hypothesis.
c. Pushs educative participant to study and defines again explanation of the, makes relationship or concept bearing, process etcetera.
d. Pushs educative participant to analyse, makes synthesis and evaluation about problem or data, and summarizes result of discussion.
e. Assists educative participant in the case of identification source and learning matter. ( Harsono, 2004: 31-32)

Educative Teacher activity and participant in tutorial as follows:
1. Educative Participant Activity
a. Identifies knowledge and efficiency owned.
b. Identifies problem and digs relevant information source.
c. Investigates and interpretation of information which collected.
d. Learning self-supportingly ( self-directed learning) ( Harsono, 2004: 35-42)
e. Prioritizes some alternative of problem solutions.
f. Integrates, opinion to select solution of problem.
(Cindy L. Lynch, Susan K. Wolcott, and Gregory E Huber, 2001: 2-5)
g. reflection of X'self ( Teacher & Education Development, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 2002: 26 & 29).
Educative participant activity ( a, b, c, e, and f) refers to " steps for better thinking: a developmental problem solving process" from Cindy L. Lynch, Susan K. Wolcott, and Gregory E Huber).
2. Teacher Activity as Tutor
a. Makes study centrally at educative participant.
b. Area design motivating educative participant to learn.
c. Leads the time and process tutorial.
d. Applies effective question.
e. Arranges group dynamics.
f. Provides constructive feedback.
(University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 2002: 1-35)
g. Evaluation result of educative participant learning at cognate domain


Don Woods (1997). Problem-based Learning, especially in the context of large classes. Matter is accessed on 14 Augusts 2008, from http://chemeng.mcmaster.ca/pbl/pbl.htm
Dairy Advisory Teams (1998). Problem Solving and Action Planning. Matter is accessed on 12 June 2008, from http://www.das.psu.edu/das/dairy/teams/problem-solving
Duch, B., Groh, S. and Allen, D. (2001). 'Why Problem-Based Learning?' in The Power of Problem-Based Learning, Duch, B., Groh, S. and Allen, D. (eds), Stylus, Virginia. Matter is accessed on 14 Augusts 2008, from http://www.paulhazel.com/docs/pbl.htm
Harsono. (2004). Pengantar Problem Based Learning. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran UGM.
Lynch, Wolcott. (2001). Helping Your Students Develop Critical Thinking Skills. Matter is accessed on 15 Augusts 2008, from http://www.idea.ksu.edu/papers/Idea_Paper_37.pdf.
Teaching with Technology Initiative. (2002). Problem-Based Learning. Matter is accessed on 15 Augusts 2008, from http://twt/pbl/45/htm.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)

Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) dalam istilah Indonesia dikenal dengan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik (PMR) merupakan teori belajar mengajar dalam pendidikan matematika. Teori RME pertama kali diperkenalkan dan dikembangkan di Belanda pada tahun 1970 oleh Institut Freudenthal. Teori ini mengacu pada pendapat Freudenthal yang mengatakan bahwa matematika harus dikaitkan dengan realita dan matematika merupakan aktivitas manusia. Ini berarti matematika harus dekat dengan anak dan relevan dengan kehidupan nyata sehari-hari. Matematika sebagai aktivitas manusia berarti manusia harus diberikan kesempatan untuk menemukan kembali ide dan konsep matematika dengan bimbingan orang dewasa (Gravemeijer, 1994). Upaya ini dilakukan melalui penjelajahan berbagai situasi dan persoalan-persoalan “realistik”. Realistik dalam hal ini dimaksudkan tidak mengacu pada realitas tetapi pada sesuatu yang dapat dibayangkan oleh siswa (Slettenhaar, 2000). Prinsip penemuan kembali dapat diinspirasi oleh prosedur-prosedur pemecahan informal, sedangkan proses penemuan kembali menggunakan konsep matematisasi.

Pengertian Matematika Sekolah

Istilah Matematika berasal dari bahasa Yunani, mathein atau manthenien yang artinya mempelajari. Kata matematika diduga erat hubungannya dengan kata Sangsekerta, medha atau widya yang artinya kepandaian, ketahuan atau intelegensia Nasution, 1980 dalam Sri Subariah, 2006:1). Berikut ini beberapa definisi tentang matematika menurut Sri Subariah dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar
Matematika itu terorganisasikan dari unsure-unsur yang tidak didefinisikan, definesi-definisi, aksioma-aksioma dan dalil-dalil yang dibuktikan kebenarannya, sehingga matematika disebut ilmu deduktif (Rusefendi, 1989:23)
Matematika merupakan pola pikir, pola mengorganisasikan pembuktian logik, pengetahuan struktur yang terorganisasi memuat: sifat-sifat, teori-teori dibuat secara deduktif berdasarkan unsur yang tidak didefinisikan, aksioma, sifat atau teori yang telah dibuktikan kebenarannya. (Johnson dan Rising, 1972 dalam Rusefendi, 1988:2)
Matematika merupakan telaah tentang pola dan hubungan, suatu jalan atau pola berpikir, suatu seni, suatu bahasa dan suatu alat (Reys, 1984, dalam Rusenfendi, 1988:2)
Matematika bukan pengetahuan tersendiri yang dapat sempurna karena dirinya sendiri, tetapi keberadaanya karena untuk membantu manusia dalam memahami dan menguasai permasalahan social, ekonomi dan alam (Kline, 1973, dalam Rusenfendi, 1988:2)
Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa matematika merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari struktur yang abstrak dan pola hubungan yang ada di dalamnya. Ini berarti bahwa belajar matematika pada hakekatnya adalah belajar konsep, struktur konsep dan mencari hubungan antar konsep dan strukturnya. Ciri khas matematika yang deduktif aksiomatis ini harus diketahui oleh guru sehingga mereka dapat mempelajari matematika dengan tepat, mulai dari konsep-konsep sederhana sampai yang komplek

Pembelajaran Matematika

Pembelajaran matematika di sekolah Dasar (SD) adalah sebagai salah satu unsur masukan instrumental yang dimiliki obyek dasar yang abstrak dan berlandaskan kebenaran konsistensi, dalam proses belajar mengajar untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Kebenaran konsistensi dimaksud sebagai suatu kebenaran dari pernyataan tertentu yang didasarkan pada kebenaran terdahulu yang telah diterima (Depdiknas, 1999:3).

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

What Mathematics for All?

Clearly, a prime aim of school mathematics must be to provide all
students with that mathematics required by today’s thinking citizen.
What exactly, though, is that? Two recent attempts to define
this merit a mention. One was in a section of the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in which England
did not participate. It was a test on mathematical and scientific
literacy set to students in their last year of secondary school
whether or not they were still studying mathematics. The items
were all posed in “real-life” contexts and covered topics on arithmetic
(including estimation), data handling (including graphic
representation), geometry (including mensuration), and (informal)
probability. The resulting data were of considerable interest
in indicating the extent to which countries had prepared their
students to deal with the kind of mathematics they would meet in
the street or the press. (More recently the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) carried out a
somewhat similar study on 15-year-olds. This was very much in the nature of a pilot study, however, and did not test all aspects of
mathematical literacy.) (Take from http://www.maa.org/Ql/pgs225_228.pdf)

Mean of Mathematics

Mathematics is the academic discipline, and its supporting body of knowledge, that involves the study of such concepts as quantity, structure, space and change. The mathematician Benjamin Peirce called it "the science that draws necessary conclusions".[2] Other practitioners of mathematics maintain that mathematics is the science of pattern, and that mathematicians seek out patterns whether found in numbers, space, science, computers, imaginary abstractions, or elsewhere.[3][4] Mathematicians explore such concepts, aiming to formulate new conjectures and establish their truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.[5]

Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Knowledge and use of basic mathematics have always been an inherent and integral part of individual and group life. Refinements of the basic ideas are visible in mathematical texts originating in the ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, Chinese, Greek and Islamic worlds. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. The development continued in fitful bursts until the Renaissance period of the 16th century, when mathematical innovations interacted with new scientific discoveries, leading to an acceleration in research that continues to the present day.

Today, mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences such as economics and psychology. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new disciplines. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later.
(Take from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics#Quantity)

Mathematics as science

Carl Friedrich Gauss, himself known as the "prince of mathematicians", referred to mathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences".

Carl Friedrich Gauss referred to mathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences".[19] In the original Latin Regina Scientiarum, as well as in German Königin der Wissenschaften, the word corresponding to science means (field of) knowledge. Indeed, this is also the original meaning in English, and there is no doubt that mathematics is in this sense a science. The specialization restricting the meaning to natural science is of later date. If one considers science to be strictly about the physical world, then mathematics, or at least pure mathematics, is not a science. Albert Einstein has stated that "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."[20]

Many philosophers believe that mathematics is not experimentally falsifiable, and thus not a science according to the definition of Karl Popper.[21] However, in the 1930s important work in mathematical logic showed that mathematics cannot be reduced to logic, and Karl Popper concluded that "most mathematical theories are, like those of physics and biology, hypothetico-deductive: pure mathematics therefore turns out to be much closer to the natural sciences whose hypotheses are conjectures, than it seemed even recently."[22] Other thinkers, notably Imre Lakatos, have applied a version of falsificationism to mathematics itself.

An alternative view is that certain scientific fields (such as theoretical physics) are mathematics with axioms that are intended to correspond to reality. In fact, the theoretical physicist, J. M. Ziman, proposed that science is public knowledge and thus includes mathematics.[23] In any case, mathematics shares much in common with many fields in the physical sciences, notably the exploration of the logical consequences of assumptions. Intuition and experimentation also play a role in the formulation of conjectures in both mathematics and the (other) sciences. Experimental mathematics continues to grow in importance within mathematics, and computation and simulation are playing an increasing role in both the sciences and mathematics, weakening the objection that mathematics does not use the scientific method. In his 2002 book A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram argues that computational mathematics deserves to be explored empirically as a scientific field in its own right.

The opinions of mathematicians on this matter are varied. Many mathematicians feel that to call their area a science is to downplay the importance of its aesthetic side, and its history in the traditional seven liberal arts; others feel that to ignore its connection to the sciences is to turn a blind eye to the fact that the interface between mathematics and its applications in science and engineering has driven much development in mathematics. One way this difference of viewpoint plays out is in the philosophical debate as to whether mathematics is created (as in art) or discovered (as in science). It is common to see universities divided into sections that include a division of Science and Mathematics, indicating that the fields are seen as being allied but that they do not coincide. In practice, mathematicians are typically grouped with scientists at the gross level but separated at finer levels. This is one of many issues considered in the philosophy of mathematics.

Mathematical awards are generally kept separate from their equivalents in science. The most prestigious award in mathematics is the Fields Medal,[24][25] established in 1936 and now awarded every 4 years. It is often considered, misleadingly, the equivalent of science's Nobel Prizes. The Wolf Prize in Mathematics, instituted in 1978, recognizes lifetime achievement, and another major international award, the Abel Prize, was introduced in 2003. These are awarded for a particular body of work, which may be innovation, or resolution of an outstanding problem in an established field. A famous list of 23 such open problems, called "Hilbert's problems", was compiled in 1900 by German mathematician David Hilbert. This list achieved great celebrity among mathematicians, and at least nine of the problems have now been solved. A new list of seven important problems, titled the "Millennium Prize Problems", was published in 2000. Solution of each of these problems carries a $1 million reward, and only one (the Riemann hypothesis) is duplicated in Hilbert's problems.
(Take from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics#Quantity)

The Scene of Primary Mathematics Teaching

In this scene we expose a qualitative research of mathematics teaching learning process by the students of Pre-service Mathematics Teacher Training.
Title: How to improve the competencies mathematical problems solving through cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia. By. Enny Widiyanti, Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia. Supervisor: Edi Prajitno and Murdanu, Examiner: Marsigit and Atmini Dh
Background: 1. Current condition of mathematics education in Indonesia, 2. Problems of students’ learn mathematics, 3. Problems of teaching methods by the teacher, 4. Problems of developing the model of teaching learning mathematics. Problem: How to implement cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) to improve the competencies mathematical problems solving for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Aim: 1. to elaborate teaching learning through cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 2. to improve the competencies mathematical problems solving through cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The research was limited to be focused on the problem solving of finding perimeter and area of polygon at the 6th grade of primary school of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia . Methodology of research is descriptive qualitative i.e. class room action research with its observation, questionnaire, documentation and check list and observation guide. The research was conducted by the following procedures: prerequisite research, conducting two cycles of action research, teacher’s and students’ reflection, analyzing data, prepare and publish the report.
Theoretical review of Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) consists the ideas of Slavin (1995) stated that there are 5 (five) components in STAD i.e. class presentation, quiz, individual improvement scores, and team recognition. According to Polya in Herman Suherman et.al,(2003), mathematical problem solving consist of 4 (four) steps: to understand mathematical problems, to plan the solutions, to solve the problems according the planning, and to check the results. This research investigated the students competencies in solving the problems based on the Polya’s notions above.
Planned Cycles:
Cycle 1:
1. The students are to identify the problems
2. The students are to plan to solve the problems
Cycle 2:
1. The students are to identify the problems
2. The students are to plan to solve the problems
3. The students are to solve the planned problems
4. The students are to recheck to solutions
Indicators of research achievements is the students’ competences of problem solving indicated by the score test of mathematics, as the following: a) the student are competent to identify problems at last 60 % , b) the student are competent to plan to solve the problems at last 60 % , c) the student are competent to solve the planned problems at last 60 % , d) the student are competent to check the results at least 60 %.
Analyses Data:
Cycle 1:
a. The average of the score of students’ competences to identify problems is 63,43
b. The average of the score of students’ competences to plan to solve the problems is 63,11
c. The average of the total score of students’ competences is 78,93 %
Cycle 2:
d. The average of the score of students’ competence to solve the planned problems is 58,21
e. The average of the total score of students’ competences is 69,69
1. The percentage of students’ competences to identify problems improves from 63,43 % to 78,93
2. The percentage of student competences in planning to solve the problems improves from 54,64% to 66,43%
3. The percentage of students competences to solve the planned problems improves from 57,71% to 67, 86%
4. The percentage of student competences to check the results improves from 34,28% to 60,71%
(di ambil dari http://powermathematics.blogspot.com)

Senin, 01 Desember 2008

Why we have to apply need to apply Problem Based Learning approach in developing Mathematics Learning ?

Applying of method problem based learning is not only increase the result of learning but also supplies educative participant empirically learning finalizes problem according to Iesson matter self-supportingly. Hence researcher formulates purpose of applying of problem based learning as follows:
1) To draw near the students at study of mathematics with development of situation of real world.
2) Can assist the students to develop idea and skilled thought in stall to obtain life efficiency ( life skill).
3) Places student as subject and study object.
Problem Based Learning designed to develop:
1. Ability integrates ( federating) knowledge owned, then bases special knowledge context
2. Ability takes decision at the same time develops critical position and idea
3. Self-supporting ability to learn and heartens to learn along the life
4. Efficiency interpersonal, kolaborasi, and communications
5. construction of His own cognate structure and skillful evaluates
6. Behavior and ethics which professional
( Teacher & Educational Development, University of New Mexico School of Medicine ( 2002: 2-3).
Applying of problem based learning ( get started) started with:
1. Recognition of problem based learning at instructor
2. Specifies applying rule of the game of problem based learning. This research applies interacti on type between groups ( group interaction). educative Tutor and participant cooperated develops study.
3. Specifies hope or purpose of applying of problem based learning to increase ability thinks is logical and positive position of student to mathematics.
After problem presented at educative participant, hence study takes place in process of tutorial. Teacher stands as tutor. One problems in debate by some groups. Tutor called as also instructor, moderator, fasilitator, or leader. Tutor comes from educator. Tutor responsible assists group of identifying performance mistake, digressing opinion, motivates member of group of communicating, and is each other evaluates result of job(activity step by step. Tutor prepares balmy space to process study ( Harsono, 2004: 26-29).
The role of tutor in process of problem based learning is:
1. Process controller
a. Acted as doorman and time custodian.
b. As officer without dropping sanction to educative participant.
c. Interference if there is conflict among educative participant.
d. Pushs the happening of balmy situation that to execute of group dynamics.
2. Observer behavior of group
a. Pushs the happening of interaction of group, bravery, and approval.
b. Pushs educative participant to develop individual quality.
c. Assists educative participant to involve ability and realizes their weakness.
d. Pushs educative participant as evolution agent in group
e. Acts as role model.
3. Problem billows
a. Pushs the happening of active participation, concentration of attention, and discussion is more life.
b. Reexamines all result of discussion, returns question of educative participant to be replied x'self by them, gives comment and suggestion, and stimulates to think for example trying to develop hypothesis.
c. Pushs educative participant to study and defines again explanation of the, makes rapport or concept bearing, process etcetera.
d. Pushs educative participant to analyse, makes synthesis and evaluation about problem or data, and summarizes result of discussion.
e. Assists educative participant in the case of identification source and learning matter. ( Harsono, 2004: 31-32)

Educative Teacher activity and participant in tutorial as follows:
1. Educative Participant Activity
a. Identifies knowledge and efficiency owned.
b. Identifies problem and digs relevant sources of information.
c. Investigates and interpretation of information which collected.
d. Learning self-supportingly ( self-directed learning) ( Harsono, 2004: 35-42)
e. Prioritizes some alternative of problem dissolutions.
f. Integrates, opinion to select dissolution of problem.
( Cindy L. Lynch, Susan K. Wolcott, and Gregory E Huber, 2001: 2-5)
g. reflection of X'self ( Teacher & Education Development, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 2002: 26 & 29).
Educative participant activity ( a, b, c, e, and f) refers to " steps for better thinking: a developmental problem solving process" from Cindy L. Lynch, Susan K. Wolcott, and Gregory E Huber).
2. Teacher Activity as Tutor
a. Makes study centrally at educative participant.
b. Area design motivating educative participant to learn.
c. Leads the time and process tutorial.
d. Applies effective question.
e. Arranges group dynamics.
f. Provides constructive feedback.
( University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 2002: 1-35)
g. Evaluation result of educative participant learning at cognate domain.


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Harsono. (2004). Pengantar Problem Based Learning. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran UGM.
Lynch, Wolcott. (2001). Helping Your Students Develop Critical Thinking Skills. Matter is accessed on 15 Augusts 2008, from http://www.idea.ksu.edu/papers/Idea_Paper_37.pdf.
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