Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

The Scene of Primary Mathematics Teaching

In this scene we expose a qualitative research of mathematics teaching learning process by the students of Pre-service Mathematics Teacher Training.
Title: How to improve the competencies mathematical problems solving through cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia. By. Enny Widiyanti, Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia. Supervisor: Edi Prajitno and Murdanu, Examiner: Marsigit and Atmini Dh
Background: 1. Current condition of mathematics education in Indonesia, 2. Problems of students’ learn mathematics, 3. Problems of teaching methods by the teacher, 4. Problems of developing the model of teaching learning mathematics. Problem: How to implement cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) to improve the competencies mathematical problems solving for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Aim: 1. to elaborate teaching learning through cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 2. to improve the competencies mathematical problems solving through cooperative teaching learning model type Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) for the Primary Student of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The research was limited to be focused on the problem solving of finding perimeter and area of polygon at the 6th grade of primary school of SDN Ngabean Yogyakarta, Indonesia . Methodology of research is descriptive qualitative i.e. class room action research with its observation, questionnaire, documentation and check list and observation guide. The research was conducted by the following procedures: prerequisite research, conducting two cycles of action research, teacher’s and students’ reflection, analyzing data, prepare and publish the report.
Theoretical review of Student Thinks Achievement Division (STAD) consists the ideas of Slavin (1995) stated that there are 5 (five) components in STAD i.e. class presentation, quiz, individual improvement scores, and team recognition. According to Polya in Herman Suherman,(2003), mathematical problem solving consist of 4 (four) steps: to understand mathematical problems, to plan the solutions, to solve the problems according the planning, and to check the results. This research investigated the students competencies in solving the problems based on the Polya’s notions above.
Planned Cycles:
Cycle 1:
1. The students are to identify the problems
2. The students are to plan to solve the problems
Cycle 2:
1. The students are to identify the problems
2. The students are to plan to solve the problems
3. The students are to solve the planned problems
4. The students are to recheck to solutions
Indicators of research achievements is the students’ competences of problem solving indicated by the score test of mathematics, as the following: a) the student are competent to identify problems at last 60 % , b) the student are competent to plan to solve the problems at last 60 % , c) the student are competent to solve the planned problems at last 60 % , d) the student are competent to check the results at least 60 %.
Analyses Data:
Cycle 1:
a. The average of the score of students’ competences to identify problems is 63,43
b. The average of the score of students’ competences to plan to solve the problems is 63,11
c. The average of the total score of students’ competences is 78,93 %
Cycle 2:
d. The average of the score of students’ competence to solve the planned problems is 58,21
e. The average of the total score of students’ competences is 69,69
1. The percentage of students’ competences to identify problems improves from 63,43 % to 78,93
2. The percentage of student competences in planning to solve the problems improves from 54,64% to 66,43%
3. The percentage of students competences to solve the planned problems improves from 57,71% to 67, 86%
4. The percentage of student competences to check the results improves from 34,28% to 60,71%
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