Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

What Mathematics for All?

Clearly, a prime aim of school mathematics must be to provide all
students with that mathematics required by today’s thinking citizen.
What exactly, though, is that? Two recent attempts to define
this merit a mention. One was in a section of the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in which England
did not participate. It was a test on mathematical and scientific
literacy set to students in their last year of secondary school
whether or not they were still studying mathematics. The items
were all posed in “real-life” contexts and covered topics on arithmetic
(including estimation), data handling (including graphic
representation), geometry (including mensuration), and (informal)
probability. The resulting data were of considerable interest
in indicating the extent to which countries had prepared their
students to deal with the kind of mathematics they would meet in
the street or the press. (More recently the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) carried out a
somewhat similar study on 15-year-olds. This was very much in the nature of a pilot study, however, and did not test all aspects of
mathematical literacy.) (Take from

3 komentar:

  1. Nama : Sinem Arda Indriana
    Nim :292008644
    Kelas: A Trem

    Know Mathematic
    According to me mathematic is an enjoyable lecture, but because there are some assignmen to with difficult process, so they make some one late from the teenology (tool).
    I also face it.But it is great,I must be study along because it,ecactly,the assignment sistem is not efective.Because the scholar/students only send the assigment by copy paste.

  2. Mathematics is study for student. Don'T know in the past present day and or. Mathematics represent international shares third after Ianguage of inggris. Known also at high school also using it, because he of vital importance.
    Mathematics teach calculation, handling of data, geometry of etc.
    Mathematics very needed in just everyday life for example for the business of trade. That is sales in market for example. Of vital importance in life of social economics. Become mathematics is of vital importance and indivisible in life of us. Study of mathematics require to continue to be improved in school.

    1.ari sunarto (292008633)
    2.edy susanto (292008630)
    3.eni fuji astuti (292008639)

    Mathematic as science means a knowledge that including some of other knowledge. In daily life, we always use mathematic, for example in economic activities (such trade prosses), read watch (timer) that has a universal rules, etc.
    In education kingdom, mathematic as a certain knowledge. So, it has different rules in our life. As a certain knowledge, it is used by students or teacher just in education.And if it is as a pure knowledge, it is used by labour/workers that work in factories, companies, manufactures and etc. That all about mathematic as science according me.
    Thank’s for your attention.See you next time.

    • IKA NURDIARIANA (292008635)
    • ISTRIANA S (292008636)
    • LESTARI FITRI A (292008638)
